Saya sgt down sbb labwork sy masih tak memberikan keputusan yg diharapkan.Step yg sy rasa agak kritikal sudah menjadi tp step yg berikutnya tak menjadi-jadi lg plak.barang nk guna plak dah takde jd kenalah tunggu lg a few weeks.jd ble sy dtg lab,sy rasa macam org tak lain hempas pulas bt keje and sy pulak duduk buang masa surf internet; lompat dr satu blog ke blog lain dan melakukan perkara2 yg tak tipu,sy mmg sgt down tp sy dah tak bleh nk complain 24/7 mcm dulu sbb sy realize takde org nk dgr and sy rasa mcm loser ble sy down and mula rasa sy patut jd kuat and terima things seadanya and then start cari solution sendiri.but i guess i'm that strong YET!dulu i can always complain to my other half but now i don't want to complain to him anymore because i do not want him to look down on he's too busy to attend to my nonsense.and he pun not like before,lg complain,lg die marah ade lah...tomorrow my last day kt lab before cuti raya tp tak tau la dpt jumpe him or not.nk jumpe before raya sekejap pon susah.raya nnt,confirm le tak jumpe and lgpon 4hb die nk gi US plak.haih sabar jelah okkk...
tp kira ok lah kan sb sy risau and pening sbb bende yg bukan remeh.i mean my labwork is not a petty issue kan?takde la risau bende2 bodoh mcm dulu...
Thursday, September 25, 2008
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Tiba2 saya terasa nk habeskan peringkat pengajian ni A.S.A.P and saya taknak sambung ke next level.seriously,,,,rasa nk muntah!!!unless sy boleh masuk lab sesuka hati,mungkin sy akan if nk dtg lab 8-5 and then ble machine tak kosong or sementara tunggu machine bt keje sy kne duduk tercongok,mmg lah sgt tidak mahu further lg!lgpon hati sy bukannye 100% di sini...
InsyaALLAH sy akan beraya di kl je tahun ni...ini bermakna sume adik beradik sebelah my mom akan dtg beraya di rumah sayalah since my grandmother is staying with us.dulu kecik2,mmg sgt suke ble ramai org kt umah tp ble dah besar terasa runsing pulak ble sume dtg menyempit dan masing2 dgn peel (betul ke ejaan ni,?) masing2.yg menyempit tu tak kisah,sbb mmg dah tolerate bende nih sejak azali bab perangai yg tak tahan tu...seriously,,,nk muntah again!!!
InsyaALLAH sy akan beraya di kl je tahun ni...ini bermakna sume adik beradik sebelah my mom akan dtg beraya di rumah sayalah since my grandmother is staying with us.dulu kecik2,mmg sgt suke ble ramai org kt umah tp ble dah besar terasa runsing pulak ble sume dtg menyempit dan masing2 dgn peel (betul ke ejaan ni,?) masing2.yg menyempit tu tak kisah,sbb mmg dah tolerate bende nih sejak azali bab perangai yg tak tahan tu...seriously,,,nk muntah again!!!
Friday, September 19, 2008
inilah yg terjadi bila bende yg sepatutnya jd tp maseh tak jadi setelah 9999 kali mencuba!!!
"I have not failed,i've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
~Thomas A. Edison~
yeah yeah yeah....
"Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up."
~Thomas A. Edison~
Im not giving up as i know i'm very close to it but then,right now i'm just too sleepy to repeat it....
sometimes i think this lab is having some kind of jinx!
inilah yg terjadi bila bende yg sepatutnya jd tp maseh tak jadi setelah 9999 kali mencuba!!!
"I have not failed,i've just found 10,000 ways that won't work"
~Thomas A. Edison~
yeah yeah yeah....

~Thomas A. Edison~
Im not giving up as i know i'm very close to it but then,right now i'm just too sleepy to repeat it....
sometimes i think this lab is having some kind of jinx!
Sunday, September 14, 2008
perihal blog...
Ada beberapa blog yg akan baca everyday tp for some reason yg ntah hape hape,sy tak link blog mereka ke blog saya dan saya akan menyusahkan diri untuk type blog mereka atau pegi baca blog2 tersebut melalui blog org lain.mungkin jugak sbb untuk tidak link adalah kerana saya rasa,kalau sy nk link blog mereka,sy perlu inform mereka dulu dan sy rasa leceh untuk berbuat demikian,itu saja.blog2 ini,sy jumpe dr blog lain dan kebanyakannye sy jumpe dr blog miss ectopy!(saya rasa saya ada sikit persamaan dgn u,ectopy!sbb blog u baca,i pon suka bc gak.not all but ada lah a few).so baru2 ni ada lah this blog yg sy rasa macam jujur dan kerap sy baca.and then tadi sy pegi kt blog yg sy dah lama baca and found out yg crite2 dalam blog sy br baca ni,ceritanye adalah rekaan semata-mata.pemilik blog yg satu ni mmg membongkarkan penipuan ini kaw-kaw,tahniah to u miss M!pemilik blog yg membongkarkan penipuan ini adalah perempuan and pemilik blog yg mereka-reka crite adalah sebenarnye kat sini,siapa yg ada balls?
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
A doctor...
I don't have any particular topic to blog about but somehow i thought i should update my blog and so here i am trying to come out with some crap...last weekend had been quite good for me as there was no time wasted.i mean,time was fully utilized...
Seriously,i just do not know what i really want now!!I feel like i am now in two different world.Right now i cannot separate between reality and dream.I was so carried away with that soap opera and thought i am a surgeon now, tell me how pathetic that is!Seriously!!!i am now having difficulties in separating the reality from imaginations i have in my i having some mental disorder?The other day,my mum thought i was having some temporary memory loss because i was sleeping and she woke me up.Then in a very serious face i told her not to disturb me as i'm examining patients by patients.She told me that i looked so pale that time.I wanted to become a doctor long before i start watching this grey's anatomy.Since i was 6-7 years old,every time someone ask me my what is my ambition,the answer had always been doctor and nothing else.I wanted to become a doctor since i was 7!It took me a few years to accept the fact that i am not one and i have to choose some other career.As i mentioned in previous entry,i thought i had get rid of the feeling but looks like it's still in me.Some one told me that if you want some thing so badly,eventually you will get it.I badly,deadly want to be a one day will get to be one?
I was to born to be a doctor and not a researcher!
Seriously,i just do not know what i really want now!!I feel like i am now in two different world.Right now i cannot separate between reality and dream.I was so carried away with that soap opera and thought i am a surgeon now, tell me how pathetic that is!Seriously!!!i am now having difficulties in separating the reality from imaginations i have in my i having some mental disorder?The other day,my mum thought i was having some temporary memory loss because i was sleeping and she woke me up.Then in a very serious face i told her not to disturb me as i'm examining patients by patients.She told me that i looked so pale that time.I wanted to become a doctor long before i start watching this grey's anatomy.Since i was 6-7 years old,every time someone ask me my what is my ambition,the answer had always been doctor and nothing else.I wanted to become a doctor since i was 7!It took me a few years to accept the fact that i am not one and i have to choose some other career.As i mentioned in previous entry,i thought i had get rid of the feeling but looks like it's still in me.Some one told me that if you want some thing so badly,eventually you will get it.I badly,deadly want to be a one day will get to be one?
I was to born to be a doctor and not a researcher!
Friday, September 5, 2008
i'm tired...
Why my labwork still aint giving any results?I've got progress report session next week and i have nothing to present.How great is that huh?!
just don't feel like staying in the any longer.don't even feel like doing labwork anymore...
just don't feel like staying in the any longer.don't even feel like doing labwork anymore...
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
good or bad influence?
Medicine is still in me.I thought i had get rid of it but looks like I haven't!I believe there's a reason why i didn't get into medicine and at one point i thought knew the answer.but again looks like i don't!At this age is it possible for me to go into medicine?okay,i'm not that old but responsibilities are now starting to ride on my shoulder...i'm not that far from it,it's coming and so I'm now torn between P and M...
it's so obvious i was influenced by GA huh!
it's so obvious i was influenced by GA huh!
Ramadhan Psychology....
I went to the toilet just now and looking myself in the mirror,i thought i look a bit slimmer.It's only the second day of Ramadhan and the best part is; i have not even started fasting!!psyco huh?!hahahahaha
Selamat berpuasa..............
Selamat berpuasa to all!arghhh ngantuk gile okkk.melampau punye bukan sbb bgn sahur,i sahur kol 7.30 am okk,hehehehe ni sume gara-gara marathon tgk grey's anatomy, hehehehe...season 1 dah khatam,tgh berusaha nk khatam season2 tgk cite membuatkan aku miserable,tak tau knape...i'm pathetic!!!
Now tgh nak booking ticket kt air asia nih.i nak migrate!!!!ish duit pon takde,kejadahnye nak migrate.'kejadahnye' adalah satu perkataan yg agak slalu digunakan oleh my other half and i'm impressed ble perkataan2 mcm nih kluar dr mulut die.actually nak book ticket untuk my servant yg telah ala-ala kne sacked.haaa tulah kuang ajaq lg.mulut tu punyelah panjang.gaji dah macam gaji kerani tp keje dgn teruknye siap boleh main politik kotor plak kt umah aku.melaga-lagakan org,huh kan over tuh.siap dia plak bleh bt peraturan die sendiri plak.sabau jelah.padahal kitorang if gi bercuti siap bawak die,siap my parents bg duit blanje lg and my family,my uncle sume if tgh bercerita bleh ajak die duduk dgr skali tak tau nak appreciate kan.nasib la ko...actually permit mati 5/9 nih and tgh uruskan le.lg plak medical die mmg fail and my mom nk tolong le tp pg td die bt perangai so trus laaa tak jadik renew permit die...ok lantak ko lah,malas aku nk serabutkan kpale otak aku.aku nk book ticket ko n nk bt duty rooster untuk umah.jom ler sama2 kte bergotng -royong yeh.haa biasalnye time nih sekor2 baran je memanjang sbb dah kne bt keje,biasak la tuh kan....jgn cube2 nk escape sudah yeh!!!and my cousin2( klau dah perkataan majmuk tuh maknanye bkn sorang la kan...) tak payah la nk jd ma'am kann,sila turun mum mmg suke jd kan rumah die mcm welfare!if bt perangai mcm org tak kesah,ini bt hotel tak berbayar,sape tak tension.nih my aunty sorang lg plak nk check-in sbb hubby die takdak.aritu tu pon mcm nih gak.hubby die tak de,die dok kt my house and then hubby die dah balik,sepatah haram pon tak cakap kt my parents trus blah mcm tu je and lepas tu tak dtg my parents nih baik sgt,dorang bt dunno je so takkan la kitorang plak nk make fuss kan.yg kitorang bengang tuh,die tetibe kerek n sombong plak ngan kitorang.bkn ape,kitorang mmg rapat dgn die sbb dulu time kecik2 dulu die yg jaga kitorang ingat la jugak jasa die kan and die takde anak so ble kadang ble ada org yg mulut jelabas ni ckp ape2,die ckp,die takde anak pon takpe sbb die ada anak2 sedara.tu kitorang la tuh ble hubby die ada, die lain skit.
My other half is damn busy.tak tau die ada masa nk bernafas ke tak...ble die busy melamapau,tension gak tp nk bt perangai pon jd lg teruk je sbb die pon tgh tension apepon dah slamat bt perangai jugak la..cikit jer...
yesterday ada this makcik nih passed away.during the general election arituh i ala-ala polling agent and hajah nih jd ketua.time tu sihat walafiat je aku tgk die.two months back she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and she passed away yesterday.sbb i knal die,i went to pay her a last respect.cancer nih mmg laaa silent killer.i was thinking waktu i jumpe die tu mesti the cancer cells tgh party sakan in her body tp tulah she had no idea kan time tu.
and ohh i passed the exam and i'll be getting my AC soon!!!
tgh hari kang gi drive-thru McD bleh tak?hahahahaha
Now tgh nak booking ticket kt air asia nih.i nak migrate!!!!ish duit pon takde,kejadahnye nak migrate.'kejadahnye' adalah satu perkataan yg agak slalu digunakan oleh my other half and i'm impressed ble perkataan2 mcm nih kluar dr mulut die.actually nak book ticket untuk my servant yg telah ala-ala kne sacked.haaa tulah kuang ajaq lg.mulut tu punyelah panjang.gaji dah macam gaji kerani tp keje dgn teruknye siap boleh main politik kotor plak kt umah aku.melaga-lagakan org,huh kan over tuh.siap dia plak bleh bt peraturan die sendiri plak.sabau jelah.padahal kitorang if gi bercuti siap bawak die,siap my parents bg duit blanje lg and my family,my uncle sume if tgh bercerita bleh ajak die duduk dgr skali tak tau nak appreciate kan.nasib la ko...actually permit mati 5/9 nih and tgh uruskan le.lg plak medical die mmg fail and my mom nk tolong le tp pg td die bt perangai so trus laaa tak jadik renew permit die...ok lantak ko lah,malas aku nk serabutkan kpale otak aku.aku nk book ticket ko n nk bt duty rooster untuk umah.jom ler sama2 kte bergotng -royong yeh.haa biasalnye time nih sekor2 baran je memanjang sbb dah kne bt keje,biasak la tuh kan....jgn cube2 nk escape sudah yeh!!!and my cousin2( klau dah perkataan majmuk tuh maknanye bkn sorang la kan...) tak payah la nk jd ma'am kann,sila turun mum mmg suke jd kan rumah die mcm welfare!if bt perangai mcm org tak kesah,ini bt hotel tak berbayar,sape tak tension.nih my aunty sorang lg plak nk check-in sbb hubby die takdak.aritu tu pon mcm nih gak.hubby die tak de,die dok kt my house and then hubby die dah balik,sepatah haram pon tak cakap kt my parents trus blah mcm tu je and lepas tu tak dtg my parents nih baik sgt,dorang bt dunno je so takkan la kitorang plak nk make fuss kan.yg kitorang bengang tuh,die tetibe kerek n sombong plak ngan kitorang.bkn ape,kitorang mmg rapat dgn die sbb dulu time kecik2 dulu die yg jaga kitorang ingat la jugak jasa die kan and die takde anak so ble kadang ble ada org yg mulut jelabas ni ckp ape2,die ckp,die takde anak pon takpe sbb die ada anak2 sedara.tu kitorang la tuh ble hubby die ada, die lain skit.
My other half is damn busy.tak tau die ada masa nk bernafas ke tak...ble die busy melamapau,tension gak tp nk bt perangai pon jd lg teruk je sbb die pon tgh tension apepon dah slamat bt perangai jugak la..cikit jer...
yesterday ada this makcik nih passed away.during the general election arituh i ala-ala polling agent and hajah nih jd ketua.time tu sihat walafiat je aku tgk die.two months back she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and she passed away yesterday.sbb i knal die,i went to pay her a last respect.cancer nih mmg laaa silent killer.i was thinking waktu i jumpe die tu mesti the cancer cells tgh party sakan in her body tp tulah she had no idea kan time tu.
and ohh i passed the exam and i'll be getting my AC soon!!!
tgh hari kang gi drive-thru McD bleh tak?hahahahaha
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