Monday, March 31, 2008

Golongan manusia bangang!

I ada beberapa task need to be completed but i'm lost!!!do not know what to do...
i tak ingat bila my friend's punye b'day tp i tau it's in march.hujung2 antara if wish die pada hari yg salah mcm keji kann sbb tak ingat birthday kwn baik sendiri...she's my best one and only best friend...
so i play safe!i bg the present to her yesterday,30th!so ckp je happy belated birthday n sorry tak wish earlier sbb sibuk!wpun duduk dekat,tp hanya jumpa once in a blue moon je!jd bila jumpe,byk la yg kne update.i told her it's not fair sbb i kenal sume org,tp org tak kenal i.'i mmg kera sumbang'i told her...'i don't many friends,as in best friend...ada sorang dua je tp yg tu sume mmg yg berkualiti!'.and she was like 'ooouh QC & QA ke?'...'haah' i kata.habis masa i kt satu tmpt tu,habislah skali 'kwn2' i!keji kannn?tp tak taulahh...bkn sombong,malas!!maybe lebih selesa dgn 5 letter word Ms(FLWM) drp 6 letter word Ms(SLWM)!bkn jugak bias...tak benci SLWM dan tak sanjung FLWM.hanya yg mahu yg selesa to be with & sincere!tp kadang mmg muak dgn SLWM,drp yg level tinggi smpi yg rendah,sume sama shj...bias mereka mmg tak boleh dikikis!tp lebih nk muntah bile FLWM jd tak sedar diri bila dpt berdampingan dgn SLWM dan sorok muka drp FLWM yg lain,bodoh peringat paling atas!pukes in the mouth to see this moronic species of FLWM!Zxxxxx is one of them...but i don't give a shyte,cousin!u nk jd bodoh,suka hati u,tp ingat,mana mungkin tapir boleh menjadi dugong!!!tukar physical pun,DNA ttp sama!...n plz don't ever have the slightest thought that i'm jealous of u.bear in mind,in this game,YOU ARE NOT MY COMPETITOR!!!

Friday, March 28, 2008

Menyampah again and again...

eeeei menyampah plak i tgk budak2 kecik ni buat lawak bodo...cara sama je dr i skolah rendah dulu smpi la ni...semua sama je...imitate org itu...imitate org ini, utk jd bahan lawak...takde idea lain ke?tp dolu2 i pun gelak gak...maybe i tak kenal org2 ni sbb tu i rasa menyampah kot...i don't belong here!i mmg meyampah dgn budak2 xxxxxxxx cousin yg bongkak tu pon sini gak...i tak tau dorang rasa bangga sgt jd xxxxxxxxx nih...bukannya Mxxxx pon!if i jd xxxxxxx korang esok,siaplaa korang!hish tak koser aku...lantak laa korang...

I don't want to care but still care...mane taknye...yg lain dipanggil masuk n i'm not!i yg bermasalah or dorang yg bermasalah?ok..ok...i tak kisah even if i do,i will pretend that i don't care and i also will force myself not to care...buat keje sudahhh.janji ada result!!!

Working out,finally...

So yesterday, after thousand episodes of procrastination,i finally went for jogging!!i intend to start again with my diet program to get rid of my spare tyres as well as this 'sekampit beras' i'm carrying all the time.usually if dah lama tak work out ni,confirm my muscles will start to ache like hell and become very stiff just like muka yg kne cucuk botox.what is botox?it's botulinum type A tau,which is a toxic produced by bacteria and it effects the nerves.When injected to muscles,it will reduce the activity of the muscles and that's the reason why muka setengah org nampak dah kaku semacam,senyum pun dah mcm ape ntahh...

ok back to my working out story...i bgn pagi td,i tak sakit badan pun..maybe sbb smalam ada instructor bf laa yg jd instructor nyee..boleh tak die just kaki ayam and pki slacks trousers jee...yelah i x janji dgn die nk pegi jogging so die pun tak de laa bwk baju first i decided to go jogging alone around my block but then tetibe terasa mcm bangang plak lari keliling ni haa...tgh my bf berjogging dgn his inappropriate attire,we bumped into his friend and his friend was like"hey xxxxx you should get a sport/jogging(i x ingat sgt ape die ckp) shoes laaa" and mcm gelak2 kt member die...hekeleh,as if like my bf takde kasut plak,blah laa lu...yg i plak tgh termengah2 so tak sempat plak nk bf senyum je,biasalah die tuuu...bende2 mcm ni,die bt mcm dungu ini tak bermakna die cool sepanjang masa..cube pegi bt statement salah @argue tentang science,haaa siap laaa ko kne basuh!!!smalam pun sambil nk pegi jogging tu,kt tgn die ada magazine science progress okk..pastu i kne marah sbb mengipas guna magazine tu,alaa crumple skit jee...we jogged for about 20-30 minutes jer,itupun i dah semput gle yehh...then my colleague smsed me telling me that my other colleague nk tumpang her tp SV plak nk jumpe so die blk dulu and since i tak balik lg die bg suh tlg hantar yg sorang lg tu...ok laaa kan..blk xxx,she still discussing with SV so i pun tunggu die dlm xxx while my bf dok baca magazine sambil generate ideas for his coming inventions.then after hantar my bf and friend balik,i pun blk umah..sampai umah dah dekat nk masuk waktu isyak dahh...balik2 je my mum berkali2 la plak pesan suh mkn nasi,beriya-iya semacam (rasa kesian kt i la tu sbb dorang sume pegi klcc n tak bawak i!)...i pun mkn younger sis masak sbb my dad was dad doesnt eat my servant's cooking so biasanya if my dad puasa n bebuka kt umah,my mum,i,my sis or granny will cook ler...

balik tu lepas lepas solat terus tetido kt bilik bawah...then dlm 11 something my cousin (my cousin yg dpt straight As tuh...mak die bg permit dlm 15 hari utk buat lawatan sambil belajar ke kl...)dtg bilik,die nk tido...then sembang jap dgn die pastu i naik tido...

Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I create blog ni utk i, sort of,record ape2 yg jd in my everyday life.tak kiralah yg significant or x.I slalunye tak ingat in detail ape2 yg jd so i thought baik record it somewhere.Selain itu,my opinion/thoughts can change in a blink of an eye!so maybe when i record my opinion/thoughts somewhere,i can look at it back and see how my thoughts have changed.tetapi permasalahannya ialah...i malas nk tulis,boleh takk?i susah nk tukar waves in my brain ni into words...

i hampir terbakar sbb i dgn penuh careless pi celup hockey stick yg panas and probably still has flame on it,in bleh imagine ape jd kan?ada flame dlm beaker yg ada ethanol tu tp flame tu sgt tidak ternampak dgn mata yg agak kasar.tapi terasa nk buat ape?tak ke cuak?i pun menjerit leee kann and was lucky that cikgu was around that he had covered the beaker with a few pieces of damped newspaper.api pun takde dah.dolu2 skali lg best,i sbb swabbed the table ngan ethanol and then ntah mcm mane boleh la pulak the flame tu pegi kt imagine atas meja tu sume ada api!tp i xingat how i manage put out the,just flame...
on that saturday jugak that thing yg atas tyre tu,screw die came off and bende pegi tersangkut kt ble keta jln,jgn crite betape bisingnye bunyi die kann...again was lucky that i have my other half!he fixed it for me...die guna ape tau?pagar xxx...boleh tak die pegi potong pagar xxx tu...i mcm terkejut laaa and die plak dgn slambanye ckp die akan jd pembayar cukai terbesar one day so kire cover laa pagar yg die potong tu...

takde ape sgt kot..ntah maleh plak nk recall..not in the mood laa...

takde ape jugak kot

tulah yg pegi dgr talk yg menyebabkan i terasa spt seekor semut!


Kecil seperti kuman!

I went for a talk at KLCC yesterday.Listening to her talk make feel so small.I realise what i know is just the tip of the iceberg and what i'm doing now is so basic!sigh....

Monday, March 24, 2008


Saya ingin bersabar dan terima apa shj keputusannye or apa shj yg mendatang
sy tidak mahu takut @ terlalu takut dan tension pasal kehidupan
sy hanye mahu percaya dan tersangat yakin pada yg SATU
i want to take things easy!
sy tidak mahu buat dosa pada tuhan & saya tidak mahu buat salah pada manusia
saya mahu mengawal kemarahan saya yg sebenarnye mmg boleh dikawal
i want to be a reasonable person
i want to be reasonable even when i'm pissed off,annoyed @irritated to the max,angry,etc
saya tidak mahu menyiapkan apa yg sy buat sekarang hanya kerana apa yg sy akan dpt at the end of the mahu tambah element ikhlas@tanggungjawab pd mankind dalam apa yg sy lakukan sekarang
sy tidak mahu melakukan sesuatu hanya utk meng-impress org lain
sy tidak mahu terlalu sensitif dgn apa yg orang disekeliling sy fikir tentang
sy mahu tepis sangkaan buruk@negative thoughts sy bahawa ada sesetengah org di sekeliling sy yg mempunyai masalah@tidak puas hati dgn sy.selagi mereka tak confront sy,sy mahu anggap bahawa there's nothing wrong between me and those ppl
sy mahu sentiasa tenang dalam apa jua keadaan
sy mahu lihat kehidupan sy dlm satu perspektif yg berbeza drp apa yg sy lihat sedang dan masih mencari apakah perspektif itu.
sy mahu menjadi org mempunyai luaran dan dalaman yg sama tetapi i do not want to let ppl to be able to read my attitude/character.i want to be unpredictable albeit tranparent
sy tidak mahu memandang rendah pd org tidak memandang rendah org secara terang-terangan tp sy merendahkan org lain tanpa sy tidak merendahkan org secara verbal tp sy melakukannya dalam hati dgn membandingkan diri sy dgn org lain dan kononnya bersyukur sy tidak seperti itu dan ini.when i look back,that is also a form of underestimation
sy ingin mampu melihat hikmah di sebalik kejadian sama ada the one considered good or bad
sy tidak mahu mengambil mudah kesilapan/kesalahan sy dan sy juga tidak mahu terlalu menyesal dgn tindakan2 bodoh mahu melihat hikmah di sebaliknya dan seterusnya belajar dari kesilapan itu and move on
sy mahu jadi 'longgar'.sy ini terlalu kaku dan keras.keras tapi mudah pecah.tidak elastic langsung!
sy hanya tidak mahu terlalu peduli...
sy hanya tidak mahu kisah!!!!!!


I came across this article but do not have the time to read it so before I lose it,i think i better copy and paste it somewhere.This article might come in handy when i start my other job...

Top 10 Myths About Networking

Here are 10 of the worst myths about networking, and their current, more sensible replacements;
1. Networking means meeting as many people as you can.
If possessing a huge stack of business cards or having met every business person in your city was a ticket to riches, this might be true. But it's not. Networking gives you a chance to meet new people, but quality trumps quantity in human relationships, every time.

2. Networking means telling people about your business whenever you get a chance.
There's nothing wrong with letting the folks at your gym, at your place of worship, and at your book club know what you do for a living. But people will quickly forget the details of your professional life. What they'll remember is you -- if you approach them with a desire to learn about them, as well.

3. Networking is hard work.
It may be that you're working too hard. Networking happens naturally if you introduce yourself to people, stay in touch with people you've met, and think, in every interaction, "How could I help this person?"

4. Networking should start when you're job-hunting.
If you get the call that you've been selected to compete on "American Idol," it's too late to start an exercise program or go on a diet. When you're out of work, it's a bit late in the game to start networking toward your next job. If you have to start then, do it; but it's far better to start networking now, and build contacts for the job search that will inevitably come your way if you're a working person who isn't close to retirement.

5. Networking is for schmoozers.
Schmoozing is by far the least important networking skill. Good listening is far more useful to a relationship-builder than the ability to spit a thirty-second elevator pitch into someone's face.

6. Networking is only for entrepreneurs.
If you don't believe that having business contacts and experts at your disposal would be useful for you as a corporate person, talk to any top business leader and ask his or her opinion. It's essential to be connected to other professionals, not just for "it's-who-you-know" reasons but in order to get perspectives on your business and career issues that are different from?your own.

7. Networking is a waste of time.
Your networking time will surely be wasted if you approach each interaction as an opportunity hawk your wares. Ditto if you believe that your job as a networker is to tell every person you meet all about your job search and express no interest in him or her. If you can get past these bad networking ideas and cultivate some relationships, your time will be well spent.

8. Networking is expensive.Joining a Yahoo! group is free.
The popular networking site LinkedIn has a free membership level and 15 million users. Plenty of face-to-face networking events in your town will cost you nothing more than parking or bus fare.

9. Networking is phony.
If you go to a party at your sister's house and meet her boyfriend's dad, is your conversation phony? Networking conversations need not be any different than any other interactions between new acquaintances. It's up to you.

10. Networking is a thing of the past.
Person-to-person relationships are more important in business than ever. If anything, networking is a thing of the future.

Liz Ryan is a 25-year HR veteran, former Fortune 500 VP and an internationally recognized expert on careers and the new millennium workplace. She is the author of "Happy About Online Networking," a popular speaker on workplace and work/life topics, and the leader of the global Ask Liz Ryan online community. Contact Liz at
'copy & paste'-ed from;


You know who you are: You take your cell phone to bed, work every weekend, and never seem to have time to relax. You think about work constantly and give it priority right up there with your family and kids. You may be a workaholic. (i take my cell phone to bed so does that make me a workaholic?)
In the United States, where hard work and long hours are considered essential for success, it's not surprising that workaholism can be perceived as an asset, rather than the true addiction it actually is.
As Sid Kirchheimer writes on the website WebMD, "Workaholism is the respectable addiction." Kirchheimer goes on to explain that, in Japan, workaholism is called "karoshi" or "death by overwork."
He also points out that in the Netherlands, people are actually getting sick by trying to stop working -- a phenomenon called "leisure illness." Workers there are apparently so conditioned to overwork that, on weekends and vacations, they actually become ill from trying -- without success -- to relax and unwind.

The Futile Cycle
Workaholics typically continue to work past the point of exhaustion, causing them to make mistakes and work even harder to fix them. They also find that when they get where they were so driven to be, there is often nothing there. This leads to a chronic cycle of obsessive goal-chasing which, in reality, is much like the hamster running on the wheel -- frenetic movement that leads to nowhere.
Recognizing that workaholism is a compulsive behavioral disorder is the first step in helping a person realize that their lifestyle is out of balance and poses serious health risks.
Typically, workaholism is fueled by underlying issues which can include perfectionism, an unmet need for control, fear, and low self-esteem. Frequently the workaholic will work to avoid other issues, and this avoidance becomes a behavioral pattern that becomes very difficult to break.

Steps You Can Take
Like any addiction, workaholism should be treated with a multi-prong approach that may include counseling, behavior modification, hypnotherapy, lifestyle changes, and family intervention. Some tips for getting a handle on workaholism:
1. Get the support you need.
Counseling will help you focus on the big picture and shift your energy from work to rest, relaxation, wellness, and recreation.
2. Schedule non-cancelable leisure activities.
Put your workouts, movie nights, and other leisure activities in your calendar and consider them appointments, just like you would with a client or customer.
3. Get to the source of the underlying issue.
Could anxiety or a lack of confidence be driving you to prove something to yourself or others? Low self-esteem and the need to overachieve are often at the core.
4. Set boundaries.
Leave work at 5 p.m. and leave your work at the office. This requires focused self-discipline; a coach or colleague who will hold you accountable may be helpful.
5. Learn to delegate.
Most workaholics believe they are the only ones who can do the job right (perfectionism). Learning to let go and eliminating the need for control are two powerful strategies to set yourself free from the dysfunction of workaholism.
For more information, visit Workaholics Anonymous at

Debra Davenport, PhD, is an Executive Professional Mentor, career expert and the president of DavenportFolio, a licensed firm with offices in Phoenix and Los Angeles that mentors entrepreneurs and professionals. She is the creator of the Certified Professional Mentor designation. Contact Debra at (480) 348-7875 or

'copy and paste'-ed from;

Twenty Questions: How Do I Know If I'm A Workaholic?
1. Do you get more excited about your work than about family or anything else?
2. Are there times when you can charge through your work and other times when you can't?
3. Do you take work with you to bed? On weekends? On vacation?
4. Is work the activity you like to do best and talk about most?
5. Do you work more than 40 hours a week?
6. Do you turn your hobbies into money-making ventures?
7. Do you take complete responsibility for the outcome of your work efforts?
8. Have your family or friends given up expecting you on time?
9. Do you take on extra work because you are concerned that it won't otherwise get done?
10. Do you underestimate how long a project will take and then rush to complete it?
11. Do you believe that it is okay to work long hours if you love what you are doing?
12. Do you get impatient with people who have other priorities besides work?
13. Are you afraid that if you don't work hard you will lose your job or be a failure?
14. Is the future a constant worry for you even when things are going very well?
15. Do you do things energetically and competitively including play?
16. Do you get irritated when people ask you to stop doing your work in order to do something else?
17. Have your long hours hurt your family or other relationships?
18. Do you think about your work while driving, falling asleep or when others are talking?
19. Do you work or read during meals?
20. Do you believe that more money will solve the other problems in your life?
If you answer "yes" to three or more of these questions you may be a workaholic. Relax. You are not alone.
'copy & paste'-ed from;

i answer 'yes' to xxx of those questions!
xxx= 0

Thursday, March 20, 2008


When i read hers i want to be her
when i read his i want to be him
when i watch them I to be a part of them
When read this i want to be this
when i read that i want to be that
when i read,i do want to be a loser but i...
look down on them...
yes,thats what i do...
i'm pathetic...

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

dr jekyll and mr hyde...

Ok so td I type tp as i said td bende 2 hilang...
This morning I was kind of cranky and I blame the hormones!!!I thought when I reach xxx the first thing i want to do is to sms my eldest sister to cari gaduh!but until now I have not sms her...before this when i type the draft yg hilang tu,i pun tak tau why i x sms die tp now I know why...not that I know why but i'm glad that i did not sms her!she called me just now and informed me that her bf's mother passed away...nasib baik i belum cari gaduh lg!She was getting on my nerves and it was all because of the car!I don't care what car to drive be it auto or manual and i don't mind to tumpang mak aji or whoever,as long as i reach my destination!If i want to seek pleasure by driving,I would have gone to sepang circuit and bawak keta laju2 mcm org gila kt sana...furthermore if i tumpang mak aji i save Rm23.70 okkk!i kena isi fuel n min i isi RM20 and toll plak rm3.70 pegi balik.mmg my mum nk ganti tp i pikir takkan dah besaq gajah pun nk claim dr parents kot,agak2 laaa kannn...die mgg la tak payah keluar after receiving that phone call i had decided not to sms laaa kann...

and yesterday plak i had an arguement with my other was all because of a tiny little thingy!i pun tak tau laa but whatever it is, i must say he is too scientific lah!I mean you cannot be dealing relationship problems using the same method you use to solve a maths or engineering equation/problem!I will not say that he manipulates my words but he sort of...serious i tak tau how to put this in words!!i'm not good with words that more often than not,i'll be using the wrong words and got myself into hot water!I think he should accept the fact that there are times when I say things but I don't really mean especially when I'm angry,cranky,depressed or sometimes i just say something with the hope that he will pujuk me...but then everytime i say 'i didn't mean it',he will say that if i don't mean what i said earlier it also means that i didn't mean it when I say I love him,i miss him,i want him and so forth.mcm smalam,i taknak duit die bila die nk bayar his lunch sbb i kata i blanje tp die taknak sbb die kata most of the time i yg bayar."it's ok,remember,nnt u have to support me and my family"i said jokingly.then he pun start la to interpret each and every word of mine.and from his deduction,he came to a conclusion that I don't trust him when he says he will take care of me and my family!he said that he do something because he want to do it and not because he has to do it or because it is his basically the arguement started because of the word have that i celah2 arguement smalam ada gak la scientific punye bende tp i tak ingat what they were.cerita2 lama pun kluar laa and i mmg lah tak boleh nk cakap ape because yg dolu2 tu salah i semuanye,so diam jelah kann...bile die marah die mmg scares the hell out of me but when he's ok, i feel he's like an angel sent down from up above...Research and science is his passion...unlike myself who doing this because somehow,I was stuck here and I feel that i have to finish whatever I had started,tu jee...yesterday he was mr hyde and this morning at 2-3ish he had transformed back into dr jekyll...

Satu Penganiyaan!

Arghhhhhh sakitnyeee hati...I dah type panjang berjela td n xsmpt laa nak post sbb xcomplete so save jelah tp bende tu hilanggg...boleh takkkk?and now I couldn't recall everything that I've spilled a moment ago...darnnn

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

2008 Cabinet...

So here's the full list of Malaysia's 2008 cabinet

The full list:

Prime Minister

Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Deputy Prime Minister
Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Ministers in the Prime Minister's Department
Tan Sri Bernard Dompok
Datuk Seri Nazri Aziz
Datuk Ahmad Zahid Hamidi
Datuk Mohd Zaid Ibrahim
Datuk Amirsham Abdul Aziz

Deputy Ministers in the Prime Minister's Department
Datuk Johari Baharom
Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim
Datuk K. Devamany
Datuk Hassan Malik

FinanceMinister - Datuk Seri Abdullah Ahmad Badawi
Second Finance Minister - Tan Sri Nor Mohamed Yakcop
Deputies - Datuk Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, Datuk Kong Cho Ha

DefenceMinister - Datuk Seri Najib Tun Razak
Deputy - Datuk Wira Abu Seman Yusop

Internal Security and Home AffairsMinister - Datuk Seri Syed Hamid Albar
Deputies - Datuk Chor Chee Heong, Senator Wan Ahmad Farid Wan Salleh

Housing and Local GovernmentMinister -Datuk Ong Ka Chuan
Deputies - Datuk Robert Lau , Datuk Hamzah Zainuddin

Works MinisterMinister - Datuk Mohd Zin Mohamad
Deputy- Datuk Yong Khoon Seng

Energy, Water and Communications Minister - Datuk Shaziman Abu Mansor
Deputy- Datuk Joseph Salang Gandum

Agriculture and Agro-based Industry Minister - Datuk Mustapa Mohamed
Deputy - Datin Paduka Rohani Abdul Karim

International Trade and IndustryMinister -Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin
Deputies- Datuk Liew Vui Keong, Datuk Jacob Dungau Sagan

Foreign AffairsMinister -Datuk Seri Dr Rais Yatim
Deputy- Tunku Azlan Abu Bakar

EducationMinister -Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein
Deputies -Datuk Wee Ka Siong, Datuk Razali Ismail

Higher EducationMinister
- Datuk Khaled Nordin
Deputies - Khoo Kok Choong, Datuk Idris Harun

Transport-Datuk Ong Tee Keat
Deputy - Anifah Aman

Human Resources-Datuk S. Subramaniam
Deputy- Datuk Noraini Ahmad

Women, Family and Community DevelopmentMinister-Datuk Dr Ng Yen Yen
Deputy- Noriah Kasnon

National Unity, Culture, Arts and Heritage Minister- Datuk Shafie Apdal
Deputy-Datuk Teng Boon Soon

Science, Technology and InnovationMinister- Datuk Dr Maximus Ongkili
Deputy- Fadilah Yusof

Entrepreneurial and Cooperative DevelopmentMinister - Datuk Noh Omar
Deputy- Datuk Saiffuddin Abdullah

Natural Resources and EnvironmentMinister - Datuk Douglas Unggah Embas
Deputy - Datuk Abu Ghapur Salleh

Rural and Regional DevelopmentMinister - Tan Sri Muhammad Muhd Taib
Deputy- Tan Sri Joseph Kurup

Domestic Trade and Consumer AffairsMinister - Datuk Shahrir Samad
Deputy - Jelaing Mersat

Plantation Industries and CommoditiesMinister - Datuk Peter Chin Fah Kui
Deputy- Senator A. Kohilan

Youth and SportsMinister - Datuk Ismail Sabri Yaacob
Deputy - Wee Jack Seng

HealthMinister - Datuk Liow Tiong Lai
Deputy- Datuk Dr Abdul Latiff Ahmad

- Datuk Ahmad Shabery Cheek
Deputy- Datuk Tan Lian Hoe

TourismMinister - Datuk Azalina Othman
Deputy - Datuk Sulaiman Abdul Rahman Abu Taib

FTMinister - Datuk Zulhasnan Rafique
Deputy- M. Saravanan

Source;The Star Online

oouhhh poor KJ

what's wrong with the book?

I booked the machine at 9am but it was only a few minutes ago I run it...boleh takk?mesti bengang miss flawless/spotless clean (bukan perli,sumpah mmg itu makna nama yg i bg ni synonym nyelah!die ada kt sebelah ni,klau die nmpk mampus i!)Klau kt xx dulu,bt perangai mcm ni,mmg confirm dah kne maki dgn mak2 tiri...

So finally yesterday on my way back,I went to OU to buy the stuff that intend to buy which include the book!I bought two copies of it and had one of it wrapped.Maybe my freind's birthday tu smalam kot sbb she called me up yesterday...ntah laaa but whatever it is the present is ready kann!Yesterday it was raining cat and dog,okkk...when i left the xxx it was just about to rain but then my bf and i chatted a few minutes in the car and that was when the rain started to pour heavily.and i pulak gatal la pegi lalu jalan yg sedia maklum mmg akan banjir if I was lucky le sbb tak banjir cuma ada this one road je tetiba je banjir and i pulak tgh agak laju.It was sooo panicking!!!I thought air dah masuk enjin keta,dah la keta pinjam...keta mak aji plak tu...bkn senang die nk bg keta die although keta die bknla porche ke ape pun...terus i teringat kisah my mum yg meredah banjir dgn 'anak bongsu die' (keta kesayangan die yg dikatakan memahami mood die & byk berjasa)n last2 kne buat overhaul n RM10k melayang!ketakutan smalam jugak telah terbawa2 dlm mimpi mlm td..boleh mlm td I mimpi I keta mmg betul air and rosak(dan mimpi itu jugak menyebabkabkan sy bgn lmbt pg td!!).and then when i finally reached the flood-free road,my mum called..biasalah tu..she will call me up every evening tanye kt mane n bile nk balik n our place tgh hujan lebat gak soo die risau lee...

and then bile i reached BU dah tak hujan and alang2 OU mmg dah on my left,I pun singgah jap.I SMSed my sis n asked her to inform my mum that the rain had stopped i want to get some stuff.She asked me my whereabouts and when I told her I'm in OU,ntah,die mcm tak puas hati plak,i pun tak tau n taknak tau knape...few minutes later my mum called,biasalah to ask my whereabouts la kann..and I quickly answered,nak pegi mph beli 'BUKU'.die tak bising or marah pun,okk je die tanye dah sampi OU ke?I said, dah..the word BUKU saved I went straight to MPH(i mmg jalan straight saja although kiri kanan terpampang the word SALE!1st-i takde budget 2nd-i nk diet balik dulu br shopping baju,kononnye takut membazir laa dah bli baju now n then I jd tersgt slim so dah bebaju loose n x cantekk...confident jer!!)but couldn't find the book that I had asked the promoter's assistance.Then got it wrapped n headed (straight again...)to Watson to get my toiletries and that was when my other half called but the line got terminated.He was worried because I have not sms him.Everytime I reach home I will sms die risau hujan lebat and i plak tak sampai rumah lg.then I told i tgh beli brg and he asked me to sms bila sampai rumah."I want to make sure you reach home safe and sound" he said...dah bli tu I pegi supermarket to get my 3 in 1 coffee tp yg i slalu bli tu takde so bli yg lain.

Lapar gileee so I went to food court je mkn sorang2...had kuey teow ladna...i mmg suka sgt mkn kuey teow esp cantonese kuey teow...waktu diet gle2 dulu,nasi sume tak sentuh tp kuey teow mmg i blasah..can't resist kuey teow's temptation!so to my other half,if i dah takde nnt, and u nk bt kenduri arwah,hidang kuey teow as the main course bila mkn sorang2 tu teringat la plak zaman muda2 dulu whereby I slalu la pegi shopping mall sorang2,jln sorang2,mkn sorang2,bt2 bc buku sorang2 kt MPH or kinokuniya dgn harapan ada la mane2 good looking guy yg dtg approach i dgn pick up line such yg common tu...and dulu bila mkn,bt2 konon sgt concentrate dgn makanan tp sebernarnye mata 2 pandang sape2 yg tgk or i dok usha mane2 laki!!eeeiii bodohnyeee...I mmg tau org mmg takkan berani approach i...perempuan pun takut inikan pulak laki!org slalu kata i ni sombong laa ape laaa garang laaa.nk bt cemane dah mmg muka i mcm ni kan...muka biasa i,org kata masam,muka senyum i org kata muka biasa n muka marah i takyah mention la kann(mungkin sbb itu kot simpulan bahasa melayu mengatakan hidung tinggi=sombong!)...n lg satu bila nmpk cermin or anything that can reflect me I akan tgk n then end up merasa sgt tension sbb terasa gemuk laaa tembam laaa buncit laaa apa laaa pimple laaa and yada yada yada...
tp now,I just couldnt be bothered!now i mmg betul2 concentrate mkn smpi I bleh rasa the piece of hot kuey teow moving down thru my esophagus.mkn cpt2 sbb takut balik lmbt...then i balik,mak aji dah balik dulu n she was ok je...ouuhh pegi merayau ye, she said...

so i pun change ape sume n before that I called my other half but only chatted for very couple of minutes as he was in the middle of a meeting (mlm2 meeting).kononnye nk membaca laaa kann.siap pikir nk stay up lg...I turn bawah lepak kt bilik bawah n end up tido...baca 2-3 pages je,poyo takkk?I betul2 punye mum came in and she saw the book and she was like what book is this?why did you bought this book?saja,i said...there's must be a reason,she said...i malas la plak nk explain sbb sgt penat!u went to MPH to buy this book?and then die kata membazir ke ape ntah,tak dgr sgt sbb mamai...i pun pelikkk la sgt what's wrong the book...i mean didn't she read the title?i serious tak paham okkk...the she asked me what's wrong with me and i told her i was so tired,dog-tired!she said maybe I should start taking supplements...she asked me whether I have talk to 'budak tu' and I was like "die muda 3-4 thn je dr ma"...I told her that I had talked to her and she said she will ask her hubby (Mrs J smsed me just now telling me bout the procedure...I think my parents are well aware of the procedure but what they need is 'org dalam').and oouhh she also told me about Zara(Raja Nazrin's wife) who happen to be my cousin's friend!She said my cousin was lepaking with this Zara in DSH few hours before she had her contraction,and yada yada yada...yelah my cousin's circle of friends mmg laa yg jenis2 tu and even she herself is earning 5 figures salary at a very young age tp although she's succesful and hot tp laki takut kot that she's still single at the age of late 30s(tp dulu,plan asal i pun mmg taknak kawen!)...yelah..ape2lah...good for her la kan...she slept beside me and we went upstairs at 2-ish...

shite!!!my SV came to me to ask for the card and I plak bleh tak prasan die masuk...dlm keadaan terkezut i pegi bukak tab lain...nmpk sgt laaa cover line kan?stupidos!!!she caught me ke?bkn bt ape pun kan?tak la red, pink-handed kot sbb membuat bende yg unnecessary laaa kan!!!sungguh mengong....

Monday, March 17, 2008

5 hours...

I want to be witty...I want to write interesting complicated topic in a way that can be easily digested!I tau byk bende jugak(takde le byk mane pun!) tp I ni jack of all trades,master of none!

My life would be happier if i can;
1)delete my past,really delete it as if it never happen
2)stop comparing myself with others
3)sleep only 5 hrs a day!


She's right in front of me but due to some silly reasons,I have not start any conversation regarding that matter.Procrastination!Die balik kang baru padan muka!
I'm suppose to write the do's and don'ts of the xxxxx bench that I'm in charge of this month.I need a template,okkk!!
Haven't seen him for today.The thing about him that i miss the most during the weekend was his hand!Just the hand and not what he can do with it.
She came in and i'm a total hypocrite in front of her!no,not hypocrite maybe the appropriate word would be uneasy or awkward?.or maybe I just feel so.okay,I'm just exxagerating!I can stand on my own feet (prasan!).Maybe this is good for me that I don't rely much on them.I solve my own problem with the help of xx and internet and once with the help of a sales rep.thanxxxx hmmm i had forgotten her name.Damn!!I will give them the result.There's nothing wrong with their supervision,it's just me who are having this inner conflict.Something in me keep on telling me that ppl around me hated me and I'm not good enough.The truth is I'm not doing level best.I easily get distracted even by stranger's blog.Reading ppl's blog lead me to comparing my life with theirs and I start to label myself as loser!I'm pathetic.menyampah,again...

sambungan meyampah!!

Haaaaa br je td I kata my presentation maybe kne postpone?I was right!!!menyampah tak?

Alamak Mrs J is here today laaa.She's my colleague and her husband works in ministry of ape ntah but he's in charge of foreign workers so my mum was thinking maybe she can help us to get in the two monkeys yang aritu dah elok2 dok sini dgn permit and then gatai balik sana and didn't showed up as promised.So my mum dgn penuh sakit hatinya telah meng-cancel-kan their working permit.and now dua ekoq tu nk masuk balik and my mum nk dorang gak because they can do work!I do not know how to talk to her,I mean to talk about this le kann...but I have to because cant stand to see my parents berhempas pulas sbb not enough workers kannnn...

I nak bli 2 buku travelog haji,one for me and one for my best friend tp mcm biasalah tak beli2 jugak!!meyampah okkk...My best friend's birthday is in this month but I forgot the date..boleh tak?but then I thought maybe it is better to wish someone a belated birthday rather than simply wish them on the wrong day!so should I just wish and give her the present on 1st of april?


A colleague emailed this to me and I decided to post it here because td I baca skali lalu je and didn't get the gist of it.Tp if bior dlm email je jgn harapla I nk baca for the second time kann.Tp I task tau plak sape punye article nih so I tak cite la yeh.Thankks L for this article I pun mmg tgh agak tension psl rizq nih...

Seeking Your Provisions (Rizq)
At any Muslim family gathering, a favourite topic (amongst the men at least) is how best to go about accumulating more wealth... When in attendance at such gatherings, I have often been advised, which stocks and shares to invest in or which riba (interest) based mortgages to enter into. Ironically, those advising me to commit flagrant transgressions against Allah (swt) in an attempt to become more wealthy, were Muslims!

Islam teaches us that a man should go and earn his living, and this is a noble act in the eyes of Allah (swt). Most of us have several responsibilities, be they to our parents, our children, or both. There are always bills to pay.

We know through the forewarning of Allah (swt) that we must use only allowed (halal) means in the pursuit of wealth. Why then do some Muslims persist in pursuing their wealth through prohibited (haram) means? Much can be attributed to man's weakness, and desire for immediate gratification and comfort, which lead to his short sightedness. In turn much of this weakness is attributable to a weakness in understanding certain concepts from Islam, and the widely misunderstood concept of rizq.

How many times have we come across a Muslim man who does not go to pray jumuah salat on Friday although it is an obligation on him. His argument is "if I go to jumuah, , I may not be seen as a hard worker so I may loose my job. If I loose my job, I will not be able to provide for my family." So his misunderstanding about the source of his provisions has lead him to disobey Allah (swt) by missing jumuah prayers.

Rizq is from Allah
Allah (swt) said:
"Say: 'Truly my Lord enlarges the provision (rizq) for whom He will of His slaves, and (also) restricts (it) for him, and whatever you spend of anything (in Allah's cause), He will replace it. And He is the best of providers'" [TMQ Saba: 39].

It is part of the aqeedah (belief) of a Muslim that his sustenance and wealth (his rizq) is given to him by Allah (swt). One of Allah's names is Ar-Razzaq or The Provider. Rizq includes everything provided by way of provision or nurture, including both monetary wealth, food and any sustenance. The references to rain, and fruit in some ayahs of Qur'an that talk about rizq, demonstrate that the concept of rizq is more general than gold, silver or money alone, but encompasses all provision.

Rizq is fixed !
Another crucial point to understanding rizq is that it is fixed in its amount. That is the rizq for each and every human has already been decreed by Allah (swt).
Ibn Mas'ud narrated that Allah's Messenger (saw) said to his wife Umm Habiba: "Verily you have asked Allah about the duration of life already set, and the steps you would take, and the sustenance the share of which is fixed. Nothing will take place before its due time, and nothing will be deferred beyond when it is due." [Muslim].

These two concepts from the Islamic aqeedah (belief) mark a believer as being distinctive from the kuffar. The belief that his wealth is provided by Allah is in conflict with the widely held belief that it is the individual through his own efforts or job who provides rizq for himself. Secondly this allocation is fixed and unchangeable despite our efforts to increase it. This is also a distinct view. Together they provide a variety of unique effects.

Muslims believe in rizq because it is contained in the miraculous text of the Qur'an and explained in the sunnah of Allah's Messenger, as well as it being something we can appreciate by studying the reality around us. Some confusion may arise when attempting to understand its application in everyday life, after all a hot shot financial analyst surrounded by all the trappings of 21st century life has so much wealth because of his work and his pay cheque, as compared to a lowly farmer in the developing world and his humble surroundings. Actually it is perfectly demonstrable that the difference in rizq is beyond the control of man and is the work of divine providence.

What we control...
It is easily understood that there is a sphere in which men have been granted control by Allah (swt) i.e. our words and our chosen actions. It is also self evident that there is a sphere which is beyond the influence of man, and which Allah as the Master of creation controls all - the weather, if a flipped coin lands heads or tail - so called 'luck', and generally everything man has no control over.

People often confuse the circumstances by which we attain our rizq with the actual of cause of rizq. If these circumstances such as our profession were the true causes of rizq then they should not fail in producing a particular amount of rizq, but it can clearly be seen that they do not guarantee the rizq. These circumstances may exist but the individual for some reason doesn't gain the expected income. On the other hand someone may be uneducated, unemployed and poor but becomes a millionaire overnight for some reason such as winning a competition, inheriting wealth, etc. If circumstances such as status, education and profession were determining factors of rizq then this would not be the case.

An employee might work for a whole month but he is prevented from his expected income due to settling a previous debt, or spending money on those whose maintenance he is obliged to provide, or by paying taxes. In such a situation, the circumstance which brings the provision (i.e. the employee's work), the rizq was not obtained since he did not get his wages. On the other hand, there might be someone in his house in tower hamlets, to whom the postman brings the news that so and so relative of his in America has died, leaving him as the sole inheritor, and that all of his wealth will pass into his hands. This rizq came to him even though he didn't imagine it ever becoming so wealthy.

Wealth can come to us in many ways and leave us in many ways. One may inherit wealth, or find it - like hidden treasure in a pirate story or a ten pound note on the street. One may be made redundant, or be given a raise, robbed of all one's wealth by a highwayman or conned by a grifter. These are only a few scenarios from a long list of possibilities that happen to people every day, some unable to gain the income they worked for and others obtaining wealth without working for it. Therefore the circumstances in which rizq is obtained are as a rule, conditions of rizq and not its causes.

Simply put, it is not within our control to choose how wealthy we are, otherwise we could all will ourselves to be millionaires and own properties in Mayfair. This does not mean we go to the extreme of leaving our work and obligation to ourselves and our family as this would be disobeying the laws of Allah (swt). Rather we do the best actions we can (as providence usually favours the prepared), but with the firm belief that provision is from Allah (swt) alone. The Prophet (saw) advised a man, "Tie the camel and trust in Allah".

This teaches us that we need to look after the means within our control but must continuously trust in Allah (swt). Islam doesn't promote fatalism or laziness, it was narrated that Umar bin Al-Khattab (ra) passed by some people, who were known as readers of the Qur'an. He saw them sitting and bending their heads, and asked who they were. He was told: "They are those who depend (al-mutawwakiloon) upon Allah (SWT)." Umar replied: "No, they are the eaters who eat the people's properties. Do you want me to describe those who really depend upon Allah (al-mutawwakiloon) are?" He was answered in the affirmative, and then he said: "He is the person who throws the seeds in the earth and depends on His Lord The Almighty, The Exalted ('azza wa jalla)."

In difficult times...

A Muslim must always rely upon Allah (swt), this belief gives the believer the strength to overcome difficulties. Someone with the correct understanding that his provision is from Allah (swt), will trust fully in Allah (swt) to provide for him especially when times are difficult.
Allah (swt) said: "Allah increases the provision (rizq) for whom he wills, and straitens (it from whom He wills), and they rejoice in the life of the world, whereas the life of this world as compared with the hereafter is but a brief passing enjoyment" [TMQ Ar-Ra'd: 26].
So if times are difficult the true believer sees it as a test from Allah (swt), and it is He (swt) who will provide what is due. We take heed in what the ayah states that the life of this world "…is but a brief passing enjoyment."

Confronted with difficult times, another may be tempted in desperation to resort to prohibited (haraam) means such as stealing, fraud or taking out an interest bearing loan. There is no such temptation for the steadfast believer who understands that his rizq is from Allah (swt) and he just needs to go out and try his best to earn it in a permitted (halal) way.
The prohibited choices are many, stocks and shares in PLC companies, prohibited mortgages to become landlords or other usurious means, many of which Muslims have delved into, to their great loss.

One failure is the failure to understand their rizq comes from Allah (swt) alone. In believing they have increased their allotment through their choice they are actually deceived, because the only matter they controlled was their choice to do something forbidden and hateful in the eyes of Allah (swt) or not. We should realise that the rizq allotted by Allah (swt) for us will come to us whether we undertake haram or halal actions to obtain it, it is our loss if we follow the path towards jahannam (hell fire) chasing after wealth which has been predestined for us. The great scholar Nu'man ibn Thabit, otherwise known as Abu Hanifah explained this point when he asked a thief why he is stealing from his own rizq i.e. stealing to obtain something which he would come to him anyway.

Value of wealth
One final quality of the believer who has understood rizq in its correct context, is the small value he places upon his wealth, or rather the value he places upon it is of a different type. He knows it is a burden, he knows his provision is fixed and that Allah (swt) will provide for him so there is no need to fear in spending his wealth freely in a righteous manner, as these deeds will benefit him in the hereafter whereas the material wealth he accumulates and the items he has bought with them and covets will not.

A pure understanding, well thought out and free from doubt, of key notions like rizq, the value of deeds and the insignificance of this dunya (wordly life), causes a believer to be freed from the struggle to accumulate wealth to purchase the next best thing and places his focus upon actions instead. It will also produce an individual who sticks to the shariah rules when obtaining wealth and someone who is characterised with generosity, actively seeking useful ways to spend or invest his wealth which will benefit him through earning Allah's pleasure. Compare this to the struggle of most people to save for a faster car, a bigger house, or the finest fashions.
"Verily Allah provides sustenance to whom He wills." [TMQ al-Imran: 37]


Menyampah betul!!!kononnye nk buat blog and tulis ape2 sesuka hati tp dah type tetibe dah tak tau ape nk tulis and end up not posting the thing that I intend to post!!menyampah tak?eeeiiii...

Malas nk buat keje hari ni,boleh tak?I buat bende tu for 4 consecutive days tp tak jd n now I have to repeat balik...menyampah lg!

Procrastination has been a part of me...eeei lg la menyampah.Dr hari tu nk bukak Maybank account tp till today tak bukak lg!I went there twice tp ada je bende yg menganggu urusan pembukaan account i.eeeiii..nk pegi hari ni,tak boleh sbb tak tau how long it will take as I have to present today.Selepas 3x di-postponed,today br nk present tp tak tau la jd ke x or kene postpone lg...ini membuatkan I menyampah dgn org yg tak sepatutnye i menyampah!!I nk bli facial wash,3 in1 coffee,shower cream,toothbrush,tp tak beli2 gak...weekend dok umah terbongkang tido!My mum kata if only i cut down a bit on my sleeping hours,I dah dpt masuk medic!tp asyik tido je,haa skang br cousin dpt 11A1 and 1A2,gila terror.I pikir balik klau la dulu I rajin skit,kan dulu I anggap blaja 2 satu beban and I tak blaja sbb nk tambah ilmu tp sbb bnk score so I jd boring n mengantuk n apa lg,tido klau nk tau SPM if compare dgn STPM mak aiihh jauh beza okkk!!!STPM yg arts pun x bley tahan inikan pulak science,nk mati okkk!!!and compare dgn matrix pun agak beza...chemistry STPM ada 3 bahagian physical chem,organic chem and INorganic chem...matrix xde yg IN tu!waktu STPM dulu,my mum,my sister sume mmg pantau I so dah tak bleh nk tido laa so I pun tido dlm toilet,boleh takk?haaa skang padan la muka kan!!!