Friday, March 28, 2008

Working out,finally...

So yesterday, after thousand episodes of procrastination,i finally went for jogging!!i intend to start again with my diet program to get rid of my spare tyres as well as this 'sekampit beras' i'm carrying all the time.usually if dah lama tak work out ni,confirm my muscles will start to ache like hell and become very stiff just like muka yg kne cucuk botox.what is botox?it's botulinum type A tau,which is a toxic produced by bacteria and it effects the nerves.When injected to muscles,it will reduce the activity of the muscles and that's the reason why muka setengah org nampak dah kaku semacam,senyum pun dah mcm ape ntahh...

ok back to my working out story...i bgn pagi td,i tak sakit badan pun..maybe sbb smalam ada instructor bf laa yg jd instructor nyee..boleh tak die just kaki ayam and pki slacks trousers jee...yelah i x janji dgn die nk pegi jogging so die pun tak de laa bwk baju first i decided to go jogging alone around my block but then tetibe terasa mcm bangang plak lari keliling ni haa...tgh my bf berjogging dgn his inappropriate attire,we bumped into his friend and his friend was like"hey xxxxx you should get a sport/jogging(i x ingat sgt ape die ckp) shoes laaa" and mcm gelak2 kt member die...hekeleh,as if like my bf takde kasut plak,blah laa lu...yg i plak tgh termengah2 so tak sempat plak nk bf senyum je,biasalah die tuuu...bende2 mcm ni,die bt mcm dungu ini tak bermakna die cool sepanjang masa..cube pegi bt statement salah @argue tentang science,haaa siap laaa ko kne basuh!!!smalam pun sambil nk pegi jogging tu,kt tgn die ada magazine science progress okk..pastu i kne marah sbb mengipas guna magazine tu,alaa crumple skit jee...we jogged for about 20-30 minutes jer,itupun i dah semput gle yehh...then my colleague smsed me telling me that my other colleague nk tumpang her tp SV plak nk jumpe so die blk dulu and since i tak balik lg die bg suh tlg hantar yg sorang lg tu...ok laaa kan..blk xxx,she still discussing with SV so i pun tunggu die dlm xxx while my bf dok baca magazine sambil generate ideas for his coming inventions.then after hantar my bf and friend balik,i pun blk umah..sampai umah dah dekat nk masuk waktu isyak dahh...balik2 je my mum berkali2 la plak pesan suh mkn nasi,beriya-iya semacam (rasa kesian kt i la tu sbb dorang sume pegi klcc n tak bawak i!)...i pun mkn younger sis masak sbb my dad was dad doesnt eat my servant's cooking so biasanya if my dad puasa n bebuka kt umah,my mum,i,my sis or granny will cook ler...

balik tu lepas lepas solat terus tetido kt bilik bawah...then dlm 11 something my cousin (my cousin yg dpt straight As tuh...mak die bg permit dlm 15 hari utk buat lawatan sambil belajar ke kl...)dtg bilik,die nk tido...then sembang jap dgn die pastu i naik tido...

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