Wednesday, March 26, 2008


I create blog ni utk i, sort of,record ape2 yg jd in my everyday life.tak kiralah yg significant or x.I slalunye tak ingat in detail ape2 yg jd so i thought baik record it somewhere.Selain itu,my opinion/thoughts can change in a blink of an eye!so maybe when i record my opinion/thoughts somewhere,i can look at it back and see how my thoughts have changed.tetapi permasalahannya ialah...i malas nk tulis,boleh takk?i susah nk tukar waves in my brain ni into words...

i hampir terbakar sbb i dgn penuh careless pi celup hockey stick yg panas and probably still has flame on it,in bleh imagine ape jd kan?ada flame dlm beaker yg ada ethanol tu tp flame tu sgt tidak ternampak dgn mata yg agak kasar.tapi terasa nk buat ape?tak ke cuak?i pun menjerit leee kann and was lucky that cikgu was around that he had covered the beaker with a few pieces of damped newspaper.api pun takde dah.dolu2 skali lg best,i sbb swabbed the table ngan ethanol and then ntah mcm mane boleh la pulak the flame tu pegi kt imagine atas meja tu sume ada api!tp i xingat how i manage put out the,just flame...
on that saturday jugak that thing yg atas tyre tu,screw die came off and bende pegi tersangkut kt ble keta jln,jgn crite betape bisingnye bunyi die kann...again was lucky that i have my other half!he fixed it for me...die guna ape tau?pagar xxx...boleh tak die pegi potong pagar xxx tu...i mcm terkejut laaa and die plak dgn slambanye ckp die akan jd pembayar cukai terbesar one day so kire cover laa pagar yg die potong tu...

takde ape sgt kot..ntah maleh plak nk recall..not in the mood laa...

takde ape jugak kot

tulah yg pegi dgr talk yg menyebabkan i terasa spt seekor semut!


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